
How to stand out from numerous businesses has become the key to success for catering enterprises!
Depending on business models, catering enterprises are involved in different systems, such as front-end cash systems, storage systems, logistics systems, personnel systems, membership systems, and supply chain systems. While these systems are robust, they share a common problem of being large yet shallow, difficult to connect to other systems effectively. This leads to manual data input from one system to another, increasing the workload of manual management. Naturobot helps seamlessly connect the ecological chain of catering management, achieving accurate data operations!


Automatic check of payment daily statement
The robot logs into the background of dozens of merchant service systems, automatically queries and downloads the daily report of transaction details, and then generates the daily report of payment collection and verification through data integration and comparison, realizes the check of data sources one by one, and generates an email to send with one click.
Automating merchandising
Through the event trigger, when the approval of the application for the goods on the shelves is approved, the robot will be automatically triggered to log in the Meituan/Ele. me merchant background, obtain the information of the goods to be put on the shelf on the form, input the information of the goods, record the results of the goods on the shelf and send them to the Dingtalk group to remind the relevant responsible person, saving 40 hours/month.
Purchase and storage automation
After the Dingtalk side procurement application is approved, Naturobot automatically obtains the procurement system information and checks it, automatically reconculates the procurement details with the supply chain bill, and automatically sends the results to Dingtalk group after the comparison is completed, and the procurement information is automatically summarized into a chart and synchronized to the comprehensive management department.

Automation Effect

Labor cost savings of 38%
Simplify the manual operation steps, Naturobot connect all kinds of systems, and realize the simple and repetitive work of robots instead of manual operation.
100% automation
The whole process is automatically executed by the robot, and the accuracy is improved. As long as the system logic is accurate, the robot will run without data errors.
Reduce time cost by 60 hours/month
Reduce manual entry errors and associated error correction costs, resulting in high-quality output and less rework for the enterprise.